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Debrief 09/28/15 MSFX Flight: World Tour Wick, Scotland

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:21 pm
by Lurch
Today Laser and Lurch Flew T-45 Gosshawk's departing Vagar (EKVG), in the Faroe Islands, to Wick (EGPC), on the northern coast of Scotland, a 245 mile trip. Real world weather conditions were encountered.

It should be noted that during this flight, land is visible the entire flight, either behind or in front of the aircraft. This was the case for the entire tour to date.

Departing Faroe Isls.jpg
Leaving the Faroe Islands and out over cold North Atlantic

Scotland in Sight.jpg
The northern coast of Scotland

Parked at Wick.jpg

Wick Airport FSX.jpg
Wick, Scotland per FSX

Wick Scotland Google 1.jpg
Wick, Scotland per Google Maps