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IL-2 Mission: 02/15/15 European Theater

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 12:49 am
by Lurch
The 16th tigers conducted operations over the English Channel and Northern France. Pilots in attendance were Coolio, Vball, Laser and Lurch.

We flew Spitfires, Hurricanes and P-51's. We had to tangle with large numbers of FW-190's.

There was routine patrol over the Channel with Hurricanes,
Escort of B-17's with the Mustangs and
Spitfires used to attack a float plane base in order to neutralize a High-Ranking Nazi General, having lunch in the area.

B17 crew in chutes.jpg
This is what happens when you don't stay with your B-17's

Pilot n Raft.jpg
Where's my sunscreen. hmmm, I'm getting hungry.

Dead Gunner.jpg
German General (Gunner/Passenger) Killed : Mission Accomplished