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Debrief 11/20/14: 16th Campaign (Laser) Deep Strike

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:42 pm
by Lurch
Tonight's mission was a Deep Strike on mostly damaged Toksan Airbase. The following pilots flew this mission;

Laser Cowboy-11 Deep Strike
EaseyE Cowboy-12 Deep Strike
Lurch Cowboy-13 Deep Strike

Sniper Falcon-11 SEAD
Showboat Falcon-12 SEAD

Lurch's debrief was recorded but later erased by accident. Falcon flight destroyed the SAMs at the target, but there was plenty of AAA left. Just prior to target, at NOE, Cowboy 13 was hit by AAA, which immediately knocked out the FCC and Avionics. Cowboy 13 eventually had to jettison weapons. Cowboy 11 and 12 finished destroying the Airbase and went RTB, along with Falcon Flight. Cowboy 13 while behind enemy lines lost VPN and was dropped from the mission. At that point Cowboy 13 diverted to Hoensong Airbase safely. Falcon and the remainder of Cowboy flight landed safely at Choongwon AB.